How does TrustedRoads’ rating system work?

  • 5 star rating : 12 months have passed since the company’s first rating was established, and there have been no more than 3 valid inquiries during that time.
  • 4 star rating : Initial rating for all companies when they start the program.
  • 3 star rating : Company has received 3 to 10 valid inquiries in the last 12 months.
  • 2 star rating : Company has received more than 10 valid inquiries.

How much does TrustedRoads cost?

TrustedRoads is free for 1000 impressions per year. For more information on pricing click here

What does it mean for a user to open an inquiry?

A user can open an inquiry under the following conditions:
  1. User is receiving emails or phone calls from the company even after unsubscribing or requesting to be removed.
  2. User concludes that their personal information has been misused beyond what is provided in the terms and conditions.

How can a user open an inquiry?

Users can open an inquiry by clicking the “Open Inquiry” button on or by clicking the “Open Inquiry” link in the rating pop-up window.

How are user inquiries handled?

First, the user works directly with the company to come to a resolution and TrustedRoads will not be involved .

If the user is not satisfied, they can fill out an inquiry form with TrustedRoads, who will forward it to the company. The company then works directly with the user to close the inquiry within 45 days.

If the user is still not satisfied, TrustedRoads will work with both parties to moderate and resolve the inquiry. If the company is determined to be correct, the inquiry is closed without impacting the company’s rating. If the user is determined to be correct, it’s considered a valid inquiry, which can impact the company’s rating